Did you know that Willamette Valley MLS offers a convenient service that handles the task of listing your property on the MLS for you?
To take full advantage of this time-saving benefit, simply follow these steps:
Complete the appropriate data agreement form for your property type, such as Residential, Commercial, and so on. You can find these forms at www.wvmls.com/forms.
Submit the completed data agreement form along with a primary photo of your property to support@wvmls.com.
During this process, a Membership Support Specialist may reach out to ensure that your listing is both accurate and compliant, removing any guesswork from the process.
If you already have a listing agreement from another MLS, no worries! We can still assist you by entering your listing. In such cases, we'll only require page 3 of the agreement to be signed and submitted to finalize the listing entry.
We're here to make the listing process hassle-free and efficient for you.