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  • Tom

Paragon's Price Analysis Button

Updated: Jan 28, 2022

The new Price Analysis Button can help agents determine the pricing of a listing by viewing the Potential Buyers and any available AVMs.

The Price Analysis Button can be found on any saved Full, Partial, or Subject Property Listing on the listing maintenance screen.

You can get to this screen by pulling up Agent Full Detail -> More Button -> Maintain Listing. Once you bring up your listing, you can find the button here:

When using this feature, an agent can click on the Price Analysis Button and view the Potential Buyers with the current price. An agent can enter a new price into the interactive widget and click the recalculate buyers button to determine the effective change on Potential Buyers.

This is a great tool to use when helping your sellers decide on a selling price, or maybe motivate a potential buyer to sell their home.

NOTE: The Potential Buyers Number is based on all saved search notifications setup in WVMLS Paragon whose search criteria match that particular listing.

TIP: If you see "0" Potential Buyers, that means there were no contacts with criteria that match your listing, or your listing price may be higher than all contacts price criteria.

Watch the following video (2:52 mins) to learn more.

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