WVMLS Members have asked: "Please give us listing pictures... SOONER."
Effective July 1, 2022, our Paragon system will require a primary photo at the time of listing submission. (Formerly, Listing Brokers had 2 business days to submit an image.)
This rule change was approved in February, but since this is a “workflow” change for listing agents, we're giving it a long lead-time to ensure adequate notice to our Members. Spread the word about this exciting change coming 7/1/22.
Rule 1, l) Photo/Image
i. Primary photo is required upon listing submission and must be an exterior view. (Amended 2/3/22, effective 7/1/22)
Additional Changes:
Two additional rules changes, also approved in February, are technical corrections and should not have a direct membership impact.
Rule 1 g) iv. Clarifies that PRE status listings may be submitted through VOW (virtual office website) data feeds as outlined in our approved 2022 IDX Data License Agreement.
Rule 9 f) - Removes Selling Office Commission from the list of confidential fields.
Read all three Rules changes and/or take a fascinating look through all our Bylaws, Rules and Governing Documents here.